Friday, June 30, 2023


"Sad day for affirmative-action advocates," the DeSantis War Room account tweeted.
Trump, DeSantis praise Supreme Court affirmative action ruling
This is the sort of thing that makes being engaged in politics difficult. Generally speaking, I'm one of those people who is often described in the media as "moderate," when "idiosyncratic" may be a more accurate label. When I've taken political alignment tests, I tend to come out in the area of Libertarians; which makes sense. I'm all for limited government, am socially liberal and not a defense hawk.

This tends to align me with the Democratic Party, since they reliably check one of the three boxes, as opposed to the Republicans, which usually checks none of them. Still, I don't want to become a committed partisan. Mainly because committed partisanship is how one ends up with people like Donald Trump at the top of the party ticket. And people like Governor Ron DeSantis as his primary challenger.

For me, DeSantis comes across as rather Trumpian; he simply trades incompetence born of an active disinterest in the job for a level of petty vindictiveness. As much as I think that affirmative action as it is implemented in the United States as attempting to solve the wrong problem, the people who back it are well-meaning. Sniping at them comes across as mean-spirited. And it shouldn't take needing to co-sign someone's mean-spiritedness to have political alternatives in this country.

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