Saturday, February 4, 2023

Or Not To Be Like

I was just in Austin, Texas, for a few days. If those days were any indication, their winters are about as random as ours. Either that, or freezing rain is out to get me.

In any event, once everything thawed out, I took some tine out over lunch to drop in on a local bookstore. On the way there, I found this discarded cardboard sign:

Inviting, it isn't?
Given the fact that I live in the United States, most of the people I know identify as Christians, and this sign (at least how I read it) speaks to something that many of them have in common; the idea that the mundane world and the people who inhabit it are wicked and depraved. And thus, not worth emulating. It is, I suppose, part of the nature of the faith; if one believes that mortal life is completely in the thrall of a supernatural Adversary, then the everyday world has little to recommend it.

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