Monday, January 2, 2023


Nobody in Particular is not, strictly speaking, a photography blog. I do post a fair number of pictures, but this isn't conceived as a place to show off my photographic talents. Mainly because I don't have much skill with the medium, or my equipment.

Perhaps it's time that I changed that.

I had meant to take up portrait photography in 2020, but I hadn't really done anything to make progress on that goal prior to "the pandemic" (as if it were the only one to have ever happened) and between the emergency orders and people's general unwillingness to be in the same space as another human being for most of the year, I never managed to get anything off the ground.

I'm still very self-conscious about asking people if I can take their picture, so I don't know if I'll get anywhere with portrait photography this year, but even failing that, I do want to simply become a better photographer. And if I take more pictures, I'll consider giving over more posts to them. Let's see if it works out.

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