Sunday, February 6, 2022

Not This Again

I wanted to write something today, but couldn't think of anything interesting. Not that there aren't interesting things going on in the world, but I couldn't think of anything insightful or interesting or thoughtful to say about them. Everything I thought of was something that I'd said before.

And I wonder if there isn't a larger insight into the world in that. That, as individuals, maintaining the level of personal change and evolution to consistently see the world with fresh eyes is difficult. I know, or at least I think I know, how I see the world, and what I understand its fundamental nature to be. Whether I'm correct in my perceptions is another thing, entirely. And I suspect that in order to test my theories, I'll need a better sounding board than my own thoughts.

But perhaps this is where all of the posts and things that I've written in the past could come in handy. I know that I tend to repeat myself; making points that I've made before or quoting old statements when they seem useful. But maybe the time has come to revisit some of the things that I've written in the past, and use those as challenges to myself in the present.

I know, for instance, and I no longer use the Label: "Rampant Idiocy" for posts, because I've decided that I should stop calling other people stupid. Perhaps it's time to look back at those posts and explore those topics without the sneering and snark that I first approached them with. There are worse ideas, I suppose.

It's one of the pitfalls of attempting to be a long-term blogger without really understanding the art and the science of being a writer. Granted, the point behind this blog was to help with that understanding, but maybe this isn't the sort of thing that one becomes proficient in from being self-taught.

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