In posts on social media media, Trump accused South Africa of embarking on "land grabs" against "certain classes of people." And he told reporters that the government was "confiscating land" and "doing things that are perhaps far worse than that."
South Africa's land reform is rousing right-wing ire
One of the common critiques of the American Right is that it is, basically, a bastion for modern American racism. And one of the common critiques of Donald Trump, which is not starting to attach itself to Elon Musk (himself a child of apartheid South Africa), is that he enables that racism. Which, honestly, makes sense. The American ideal of "one person, one vote" may have, for a long time, excluded women and minorities, but bigotry was never disqualifying, and people like
Marko Elez have the franchise, too. And in a nation that's edging ever closer to a permanent split between two broad political coalitions, neither side can afford to throw even otherwise loathsome people overboard.
And that means buying into the American Right's narrative that casts Europeans (Conservative European Christians, more specifically) as an oppressed minority, assailed on all sides by the unworthy people whose lands, resources, freedoms and/or lives had been taken from them during the age of colonial expansion. Seeing Africans, Latin Americans and other non-White people as unjustly bitter and vengeful for not agreeing to a (
awfully convenient) offer to simply allow bygones to be bygones stems from what I suspect is a widespread human desire to be seen neither as one of history's villains nor the direct beneficiaries of historical injustice. And so there's a mindset that decides that the end of Apartheid, Jim Crow or forced relocations to reservations wiped all slates clean and everyone became equal again. So there is no such thing as redress for past wrongdoing; there is only
present wrongdoing.
Part of the politics of grievance is the idea that only the in-group's grievances are legitimate. This has played itself out in American race relations for as long as I've been aware of the concept. Black and White people alike having fallen into seeing the others (real or perceived) resentment of them as both unjust and a legitimizer of their own resentments. When, during the campaign, President Trump accused migrants of taking "African-American jobs" and "Hispanic jobs" and then Vice-President Kamala Harris of claiming to be Black as a
cynical means of appealing to Black voters, he was encouraging people to take on the Right's grievances as their own, rather than telling them he would advance their interests. Because the in-group's grievances always come first, as I'm sure some of the Arab-American population in and around Dearborn, Michigan
are finding out.
I have to admit that I wasn't expecting President Trump to lean so far into the Right's many disputes with the rest of the world (not to mention America) so completely this early in his tenure. Although it makes sense... he has to keep appealing to his base of voters, because otherwise he becomes a lame duck fairly quickly. Perhaps the goal here is to avoid losing seats in next year's (sigh) midterm elections. And casting the Ramaphosa Administration in South Africa as anti-White racists is par for that particular course.
It remains to be seen what the effects will be if Secretary of State Marco Rubio (whose posts on X seem to have been written by President Trump these days) makes good on
his promise to not attend the upcoming G20 Summit in Johannesburg at the end of the year. (Of course, given that it's more than 9 months out, Secretary Rubio will have more than enough time to change course.) It could be a good opening for the Chinese, presuming that they can overcome the impression (and reality) that their offers of help come with more strings attached than a kite festival. It's part of a broader push to portray the United States as the only important nation in the world, and one that everyone else needs, which is again a play to a base resentful of what they perceive as other nations benefiting at the United States' direct expense.
Prior to Donald Trump, the Republican party had been coming to terms with the idea that it needed a broader message than right-wing anger at the world in order to be successful. Donald Trump (with, it seems, an assist from the Democratic Party) had upended that consensus. But it remains to be seen if this is a strategy that can be maintained for longer than the President can remain in office. At present, I'm not betting on it. I don't think that the Black and Hispanic voters who backed Donald Trump last year will come to regard him as someone who is willing to do anything for them, specifically, or come to believe that they're benefiting equally from what he does for conservative Whites. The American Right, I suspect, regards them more as useful patsies than valued allies, and won't balk at demanding more for itself at their expense.
If, even in spite of that, it can, that's likely not a good sign. I suspect that the Democrats will wind up having little choice but to turn to their own brand of grievance politics to remain relevant (let alone competitive) in that political landscape. It will be instructive to see who their voters are able to push the federal government into placing on its enemies lists, and which grievances it pursues on their behalf.